“Gf Vip: Manuel Bortuzzo, un nuovo amore? L’indizio social svela dettagli sorprendenti”

Gf Vip, Manuel Bortuzzo’s New Love? The Social Clue Manuel Bortuzzo was one of the undisputed protagonists of the sixth edition of Grande Fratello Vip, not only for his touching personal story, but also for the love story that blossomed inside the House with Lulù Selassiè. Their relationship, which started inside the House, had made […] L'articolo “Gf Vip: Manuel Bortuzzo, un nuovo amore? L’indizio social svela dettagli sorprendenti” proviene da Avvisatore.

Gf Vip, Manuel Bortuzzo’s New Love? The Social Clue

Manuel Bortuzzo was one of the undisputed protagonists of the sixth edition of Grande Fratello Vip, not only for his touching personal story, but also for the love story that blossomed inside the House with Lulù Selassiè. Their relationship, which started inside the House, had made fans dream and had continued outside the House for several weeks.

However, over time, the relationship between the two cooled down and Manuel decided to end the story with his former housemate, surprising everyone with an official statement.

After the end of his love story with Selassiè, Bortuzzo started a new relationship with influencer Angelica Benvieri, but it only lasted a few months. Since then, the swimmer had

Leggi tutto: https://www.avvisatore.it/gf-vip-manuel-bortuzzo-un-nuovo-amore-lindizio-social-svela-dettagli-sorprendenti

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