‘Populism’ is Political Opposition to a Rapid Decline in Living Standards

In his new book, Matthew Goodwin shows he understands, in a way few academics do, that 'populism' is political opposition to a rapid decline in living standards. The post ‘Populism’ is Political Opposition to a Rapid Decline in Living Standards appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Richard Pipes famously described the bureaucracy of late Tsarism as a group of people who felt their country to be “under permanent siege by her own inhabitants”. The enemies of society were many, and they were legion. This feeling did not lead to any new energy or inventiveness, but to a grim battening down of the hatches. Rules multiplied, reams and reams of useless paper were produced. Epaulettes, orders, ranks, inspectorates, perks of office, all of these sprouted like weeds, and the main criteria for advancement became one’s ability to game this tangled-up system. Procedure was prized above all else. This class of people was narrow, rule-bound and despairing. 

Matthew Goodwin’s new book, Values, Voice and Virtue is the story of a ruling class and its enemies. It is about Britain’s university graduates, who make up around 34% of the population, and their endless feud with the non-graduate majority who live outside of London. The thesis is a familiar one. Britain’s cognitive elite has lost touch with those they rule, and now dislikes them. The latter realise this and react

Leggi tutto: https://dailysceptic.org/2023/04/26/populism-is-political-opposition-to-a-rapid-decline-in-living-standards/

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