Isa svela la sua opinione sulla puntata di Uomini e Donne del 29/11/23
Uomini e Donne: Isa’s Opinion on the Episode of 29/11/23
The Return of Brando Ephrikian’s Throne
Surprisingly, Brando Ephrikian’s throne is still on Uomini e Donne! Many believed that he had been forgotten and would never be seen again, except maybe as a substitute mailman on C’è posta per te! But no, Beatriz D’Orsi and Raffella Scuotto made quite an entrance!
A Big Entrance
Beatriz and Raffella left the show with confidence and determination, convinced that they were essential for Brando’s throne. However, they returned with their tails between their legs, fearing losing their spot on Canale 5. Meanwhile, Brando had been busy and even made out with a random girl whose name I can’t remember, and I’m pretty sure he can’t either!
The Embarrassing
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