Bad Memories Meduza traduzione testo significato
Bad Memories é il nuovo singolo 2022 dei Meduza. La band dance italiana si unisce a James Carter, Elley Duhé, e FAST BOYSignificato Bad Memories
La narrazione è piuttosto dinamica, oscillando da momenti più guidati dal basso e chiusi, più da club, ad altri più leggeri con riff di chitarra in bilico. I testi sono facili da far entrare nelle orecchie e da memorizzare, immaginando che molto presto saranno sulla bocca di tutti.
Video di Bad Memories dei MeduzaBad Memories Testo
One more drink she said
I think I’m losing my head now
Tonight we’ll make bad memories
One more drink she said
We know there’s no turning back now
We love to make bad memories
One more drink she said
I think I’m losing my head now
Tonight we’ll make bad memories
One more drink she said
We know there’s no turning back now
We love to make bad memories
One more drink she said
I think I’m losing my head now
Tonight we’ll make bad memories
One more drink she said
I think I’m losing my head now
I think I’m losing my head now (my head now)
Losing my head now
Think I’m losing my head now (my head now)
Again and again
One more drink he said
I think I’m losing my head now
Tonight we’ll make bad memories
One more drink he says
And baby you got me trippin’
We’re face to face
About to do it again (again)
Again and again
About to do it again (again)
Again and again
One more drink she said
I think I’m losing my head now
Tonight we’ll make bad memories
One more drink she said
I think I’m losing my head now (now)
I think I’m losing my head now (my head now)
Losing my head now (my head now)
Think I’m losing my head now (my head now)
Again and again
One more drink she said
I think I’m losing
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