Elite Universities ARE Hotbeds of Wokery
A recent Guardian article is headlined ‘Elite universities aren’t hotbeds of ‘wokery’: our research shows they’re rife with racism and classism’.
Now, authors aren’t usually responsible for their headlines, but in this case they’ve got no excuse. “It has become common,” Kalwant Bhopal and Martin Myers write, “to view elite universities as places of left-leaning “wokery””. You don’t say! But according to the authors, this is a “deliberate mirage”.
As evidence for their claim, they point out that students from wealthy backgrounds who went to expensive schools are overrepresented at elite universities, and that students from more modest backgrounds, including racial minorities, sometimes feel unwelcome there. There’s obviously some truth to this.
The problem, however, is that it’s not evidence for the claim Bhopal and Myers are making. The existence of snobbery in some parts of the student body does not negate the existence of woke activism in other parts of the student body – not to mention the faculty and university administration.
The authors argue that “beyond the culture wars caricature”, Oxford, Cambridge, Yale and Harvard remain “highly conservative
Leggi tutto: https://dailysceptic.org/2023/04/26/elite-universities-are-hotbeds-of-wokery/
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