Why I’m in Favour of Equal Treatment Under the Law

Rejecting race-based positive discrimination isn’t a mad or selfish attempt to disrupt the programme, but simply standing up for equal treatment under the law, writes Amber Muhinyi. The post Why I’m in Favour of Equal Treatment Under the Law appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

I recently pitched an article to an online publication keen to platform ‘diverse voices’ on higher education policy, including ‘Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion’. My article was coming at it from a different angle to others I’d seen on the website, such as one recommending that we do not arrange chairs in rows where there might be ‘BAME’ staff and students – to be more inclusive (give me a break).

In my article, I made the case against racial eligibility criteria on student opportunities. In response, the editor who reviewed it suggested that I could “argue that these existing schemes [ones targeting individuals based on socioeconomic status rather than race] are insufficient somehow against those for race equality”. I didn’t want to redraft my article to argue for a viewpoint opposite to the one I hold and had written about, and so I left it at that.

But the editor’s response seemed to avoid any acknowledgement of the possibility that there could be a case against racial eligibility criteria on student opportunities. After all (her tone seemed to imply), why would a person not welcome

Leggi tutto: https://dailysceptic.org/2023/01/30/why-im-in-favour-of-equal-treatment-under-the-law/

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