The JCVI is Right to Withdraw Boosters for Under-50s, But It’s Still Spinning the Stats

While it's welcome that the JCVI has finally ended boosters for under-50s, the data the decision is based on are still skewed towards the vaccines. And why did it take three months to let us know? The post The JCVI is Right to Withdraw Boosters for Under-50s, But It’s Still Spinning the Stats appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Recently the Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisations (JCVI), the body responsible for recommending which vaccines are appropriate for which individuals in the U.K., decided that healthy individuals under the age of 50 should no longer be offered the Covid vaccines. This decision appears to have been made based on a multitude of factors, including the facts that the vast majority of the population have now had Covid (so no need to provide them with the immune stimulation given by the vaccines) and that Omicron variants of Covid appear to be rather less likely to result in hospitalisation, compared with prior variants.

This decision could well be considered as being long overdue – indeed, I consider it rather alarming that this seemingly evidence-based decision was made in early November, yet the JCVI only bothered getting around to telling the population about its deliberations nearly three months later. There will have been many thousands of individuals, many considerably younger than 50, who were persuaded to get their booster vaccination after early November when even the JCVI thought there was very little need

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