Gamers Are Paying Thousands for High Scores in Yuga Labs’ Dookey Dash

With cheating rampant in Yuga Labs’ new Dookey Dash game, some players are shelling out big bucks for top scores.

Every game has its cheaters and boosters—and Yuga Labs’ “Dookey Dash” is no exception.

Reports have surfaced that some players are cheating on the mint-based game in hopes of logging higher scores on the leaderboard. Elsewhere, some Dookey Dash “boosters” are still boasting about how their clients have yet to be detected. 

In video games, boosters are for-hire players who log onto clients’ accounts and pump up their rank, often using cheats or exploits of some kind.

One such “boosting” service told Decrypt that it charges a minimum of 0.25 Ethereum, about $420, for a score of 250,000 or higher, with prices going as high as 2.5 ETH (roughly $4,200) for a score of over 700,000. The boosting service in question claimed it did not use cheats to obtain such guaranteed high scores.

Another booster told Decrypt that they charge 0.2 ETH ($330) for scores over 200,000.

Three weeks ago, the makers of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) Ethereum NFTs launched the endless runner game Dookey Dash with the promise that the highest-scoring gamer will receive a mysterious reward.

On February 15, “validated” Sewer Passes—which could only be claimed by BAYC or Mutant Ape NFT holders—will be “eligible to transform into a mysterious new power source.” The Sewer Pass NFTs have been immensely popular since their release on January 18, seeing over 36,000 Ethereum (over $60 million) in secondary sales in just three weeks.

Whether these boosted scores are legitimate or not will soon come to light, says Adam Hollander, owner of BAYC #3987.

“I just heard from one of the top players on Dookey Dash that lots of the folks advertising paid high scores are using botted code. Cheating is apparently rampant,” Hollander said.

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