F64 Ed Sheeran traduzione testo significato

Ed Sheeran ha pubblicato la nuova canzone F64. Il brano é un tributo del cantante ad un amico scomparso. F64 Ed Sheeran traduzione testo significato di Jan Bran su Rnbjunk

Ed Sheeran ha presentato il nuovo singolo F64

F64 é una canzone tributo di Ed Sheeran a Jamal Edwards.

Testo F64

Ayo Jam, this is a letter to you
It’s been a while, but it’s been hard for me to get in the booth
Since we lost spoke, I become a father of two
Tryna live life with a smile, but that’s been harder to do
‘Cause all I wanna do is talk about you
But these tears won’t let me talk about you
We should’ve known that we been lost without you
Therapy sessions diggin’ deep into depression
I got a life with the blessings
But this just breaks my fuckin’ heart
At your birthday, couldn’t even crack a smile
I just cried and left the party, need to see you in while
Headed to the some jerk wings and plantain
‘Cause that is the way that me and you would celebrate it
I never knew you’d touch the stuff, ‘cause you’d always bad me up
If you saw me more than drunk, you always hated what it does
Before Lyra I just stopped, I haven’t even wanted one
I can’t get over this, it’s fucked, man, I wished I’d known
And yo, we cried for nine nights at your family home
Laid you to rest in the ground, but without a stone
You know it hits me most at moments now when I’m alone
Every morning I remember that you’re really gone

‘Cause it’s been a long night and I cry ‘cause I miss my brother
You know for life, got your sis and mother
And day and night, it still hits that you’re gone
And right now I’m spillin’ tears in my cup
You left the world before you met Jupiter
Wish you’d have known you would be a godfather
You would’ve loved lovin’ my little girls
If not

Leggi tutto: https://www.rnbjunk.com/f64-ed-sheeran-traduzione-testo-significato/

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