Elite Billionaire Foundations Fund Wave of Green Climate Propaganda Flooding into British Schools

Climate change misinformation is flooding into British schools, funded by elite billionaires. Children are being taught to write letters to policymakers claiming “our house is on fire” in the style of Greta Thunberg. The post Elite Billionaire Foundations Fund Wave of Green Climate Propaganda Flooding into British Schools appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Climate change misinformation is flooding into British schools, funded, it would appear, by the dark green money of elite billionaire foundations. Schoolchildren are encouraged to plot implausible temperatures rises of 11°C, taught that alkaline oceans are ‘acidic’ and encouraged to write letters to policymakers claiming “our house is on fire” in the style of Greta Thunberg.

The material is being distributed around schools by a London-based operation called Climate Science. An introductory video says its mission is to bring “high quality climate education to every school, company and individual in the world”. Such aims of course do not come cheap. Among the lobby group’s “partners, supporters and friends” are green activist funders such as Schmidt Futures – the family foundation of former Google boss Eric Schmidt – and the Grantham Institute at Imperial – partly funded by green billionaire investor Jeremy Grantham.

Give me the child until seven, and I will give you the man, said Aristotle, a phrase understood down the ages, not least by the Jesuit Christian order. Blind faith is more readily accepted by minds whose critical

Leggi tutto: https://dailysceptic.org/2023/01/31/elite-billionaire-foundations-fund-wave-of-green-climate-propaganda-flooding-into-british-schools/

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