Bla Bla Bla Maneskin traduzione testo

Testo e traduzione del brano 4 di Rush dei Maneskin. Il brano si chiama Bla Bla Bla, scopri cosa significa la canzone. Bla Bla Bla Maneskin traduzione testo di Jan Bran su Rnbjunk

Bla Bla Bla é la traccia numero 4 dal disco Rush dei Maneskin, scopriamo qua traduzione e testoTesto Bla Bla Bla

You broke my heart so I crashed your car
You say you’re sorry, well I bet you are

And bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla
I hate your face but I like your mums
You play it smart but you look so dumb
Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb
And ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah
I wanna fuck, let’s go to my spot
But I’m too drunk and I can’t get hard
Ha-hard ha-ha-ha-ha-hard

And bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla
You said you love me but it’s just for fun
Give me a chance and I’ll make you a lady

And ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah
You like cocaine but you don’t like pot
You say I’m a loser cuz I want a puff
Puf puf puf puf puf puf puf

And bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla
You said goodbye so guess what I’ve done
I called your best friend and I said wassup
Let’s fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

So ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah
And then we went to your favorite club
She drank too much and she said you are
A twat twat twat twat twat twat

Then I drove into a parking lot
She smiled and told me “You have a massive car”
Ca-car ca-ca-ca-cock

I don’t get how I felt in love
I guess I liked playing with your dog
It made me feel like we had a son
But fu-fu-fu-fu-fu-fuck you

My mama told me that she never liked you
My life sucks and the blame is on you
So fu-fu-fu-fu-fu-fuck you again

No no nono no no no
You got me angry and now I love punk
I listen to The Smiths crying alone
So please please let me get what I want

So fu-fu-fu-fu-fu-fuck you
All my friends they were right about you
You are so basic and you’ve got stupid tattoos
So fu-fu-fu-fu-fu-fuck you again

And do no no no no no no
You said I’m ugly and my

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