Isola dei Famosi 2023, chi è stato eliminato ieri sera 22 maggio? Percentuali

Una nuova puntata de L’Isola del Famosi 2023 è andata in onda ieri sera, lunedì...

Isola dei Famosi: who was eliminated last night, Monday 22 May, between Fabio, Pamela and Helena? Televoting percentages and summary

A new episode of L’Isola del Famosi 2023 was aired yesterday evening, Monday 22 May, but which shipwrecked person was eliminated among those nominated and had to reach the Island of Sant’Elena? Let’s find out together what happened.

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The castaway with the most votes among those nominated was not forced to leave Playa Tosta, but among the competitors a very strong name has decided to definitively withdraw from the reality show . Let’s find out what happened and all the details.

Who were the  nominees ?

During the previous episode of L’Isola dei Famosi 2023 conducted by  Ilary Blasi , the competitors who finished in the nominations were: Pamela Camassa, Fabio Ricci and Helena Prestess.

Isola dei Famosi: Who was eliminated last night?

During the episode of L’Isola dei Famosi on 22 May 2023, the decision of the public at home on the nomination in progress was revealed: who was eliminated last night?

Helena Prestess was the castaway meni voted and therefore forced to leave Playa Tosta . The girl, however, will not have to abandon the game definitively : she will go to the Island of Sant’Elena.

We recall that televoting provided for a positive vote and therefore answered the question “Who do you want to save?”. Here are the voting percentages of the competitors of the Isola dei Famosi in televoting Fabio Jalse 35.2%, Pamela 34.5%, Helena 30.3%.

Arriving on the island of Sant’Elena, a flash televoting was opened between Cristhopher and Gianmaria to decide who should leave. The least voted was Christopher Leoni who, therefore, was eliminated from the episode of 22 May.

We recall that also in this case televoting provided for a positive vote and therefore answered the question “Who do you want to save?”. Here are the voting percentages of the competitors of the Isola dei Famosi in televoting: Gian Maria 65%, Christopher 35%.

Paolo Noise why did he retire?

During the episode Paolo Noise communicated his intention to abandon the game due to health problems . Her wife is in Mexico and she says she was very worried about her husband’s condition, stressing that it was something serious that needs further investigation.

After announcing the withdrawal, Ilary Blasi called his friend Marco Mazzoli, who ran to embrace the sailor. A moment that moved the public and those directly involved: «Now you have to win for me too, because the Zoo wins».

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