Yuga Labs to Replace Logo That Apes a Kids Drawing Guide

Despite a market cap of over $115 million, Yuga Labs appears to have taken an unlicensed design for its Bored Ape Kennel Club logo.

It appears the logo of the Yuga Labs-owned Bored Ape Kennel Club (BAKC) NFT collection was used without a license or the permission of its artist. First noticed by an eagle-eyed Twitter user on Friday, the likeness was then acknowledged by both the image’s original creator, Easy Drawing Tutorial, and Yuga Labs co-founder Greg Solano (“Gargamel” before his identity was revealed one year ago.)

Thanks for bringing this up @Jdotcolombo. @yugalabs doesn’t have a license to the wolf skull drawing. The intellectual property rights for the drawing belong to Easy Drawing Guides as it’s our original drawing and protected by our Terms and Conditions.

— Easy Drawing Guides (@easydrawinguide) February 17, 2023

Yuga Labs released the BAKC collection in June 2021 and then applied to trademark its logo in November, but Easy Drawing Tutorial’s official Twitter had posted an image of a nearly identical wolf skull three months earlier, in April 2021. 

Easy Drawing Tutorial is a resource that provides “non-artists” step-by-step instructions to create cartoonish drawings of various animals and objects. 

There is explicit language in Easy Drawing Tutorials’ terms and conditions that prohibit the commercial use of its proprietary content. 

According to Solano, Yuga Labs had hired a freelancer to create the logo’s design, adding that Yuga Labs has reached out to both the freelancer in question and Easy Drawing Tutorials as part of the investigation into the alleged violation of intellectual property.

Solano also stated that the logo would be removed and replaced on the project’s website and that Yuga Labs would ask marketplaces to do the same. 

Saw the claims today about the BAKC logo. This was news to us and we’re still investigating the situation. Have reached out to the

Leggi tutto: https://decrypt.co/121679/yuga-labs-replacing-bored-ape-kennel-club-logo-copied-kids-drawing-guide

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