Proof Collective Cancels Conference, Ruffling Moonbirds NFT Holders

Some Moonbirds holders aren’t accepting Proof CEO Kevin Rose’s apologies as they unstake their NFTs following news of the canceled event.

Organizers of the Proof Collective’s Proof of Conference event canceled the event planned for May, citing “considerably less interest than anticipated,” according to the event’s website.

Proof is a Web3 project created by Digg co-founder Kevin Rose. It’s the collective behind Moonbirds, a collection of 10,000 pixelated owl NFTs. Moonbirds is the tenth biggest Ethereum NFT project by market cap in the space, according to CoinGecko data.

“As you know, in the world of NFTs, timing is everything,” the note from Proof Founder Kevin Rose and his team reads. “Today, it’s time for us to recognize that right now isn’t the right time for the Proof of Conference.”

Ticket buyers will be refunded “within the next few hours,” according to the post, but traders will retain their receipt NFT for the canceled event. Proof also promises that hotels booked using its discounts will be fully refundable, and that airfare cancellations that incur cancellation fees can be submitted to Proof for refund consideration. 

“Any other expense requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis,” Proof’s website reads. 

Rose also said in a Discord post that a more “holistic” update on the future of Proof and its Ethereum NFT collection Moonbirds will be released on March 2. 

“This is our year of focus and execution,” Rose wrote. 

The Moonbirds team held a “town hall” meeting in its Discord server exclusive to holders Monday, which members say didn’t provide them with much clarity or comfort.

“They’re saying empty air,” Edward “Eddie” Kayal, an NYU grad and NFT trader, told Decrypt in a direct message of the Town Hall’s proceedings. 

Kayal explained that the Proof team told its listeners that only about a hundred people purchased hotels through Proof’s links, which led the

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