The Crypties Awards 2022: Bored Ape Yacht Club Wins NFT Project of the Year

Illa Da Producer accepted the Cryptie on behalf of Yuga Labs from presenter Alanna Roazzi-Laforet at the inaugural Crypties Awards from Decrypt Studios in Miami on November 30. The other nominees in the category were Moonbirds, Azuki, DeGods, and CloneX.

The Crypties Awards 2022: Bored Ape Yacht Club Wins NFT Project of the Year

Illa Da Producer accepted the Cryptie on behalf of Yuga Labs from presenter Alanna Roazzi-Laforet at the inaugural Crypties Awards from Decrypt Studios in Miami on November 30. The other nominees in the category were Moonbirds, Azuki, DeGods, and CloneX.

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