gm: Farokh and the Rug Radio Roadmap

Meet Mr. NFT: @Farokh, who preaches daily to hundreds of thousands of NFT faithful, and is trying to building Rug Radio into a fully formed Web3 media company. Dan Roberts and Kate Irwin from the gm podcast talk to Farokh about Rug DAO and all things NFT culture. Watch and make sure to subscribe to the gm podcast on Apple or Spotify.

gm: Farokh and the Rug Radio Roadmap

Meet Mr. NFT: @Farokh, who preaches daily to hundreds of thousands of NFT faithful, and is trying to building Rug Radio into a fully formed Web3 media company. Dan Roberts and Kate Irwin from the gm podcast talk to Farokh about Rug DAO and all things NFT culture. Watch and make sure to subscribe to the gm podcast on Apple or Spotify.

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