The Large Hadron Collider and the War in Ukraine
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted its fair share of deranged responses from Western elites, including the Cardiff Philharmonic Orchestra’s decision to remove Tchaikovsky from its program because his masterpiece 1812 commemorates a Russian military victory (from two hundred years ago).
However, perhaps the most inane example of virtue-signalling that does nothing to help Ukraine comes from the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland.
According to the Guardian, no academic papers have been published by the scientists working there since last March. Why? Because some of them object to co-authorship with Russian institutes and “even with the individuals working for them”. In other words: they don’t want to have their names listed on a paper alongside Russian scientists and funding bodies.
One Russian scientist who spoke to the paper mentioned that none of his fellow Russian colleagues “can accept what Russia is doing in Ukraine”. And a British scientist confirmed that some have even signed open letters protesting the war (presumably at some personal risk). Yet this wasn’t enough to pacify the activists.
“Most of my Ukrainian colleagues do not extend
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