Misinformation and Hate Speech Have Been Rife in the Past Three Years, But From Defenders of the Covid Consensus, Not Dissenters

Laura Dodsworth has published a fascinating Q&A with Toby Green and Thomas Fazi, who’ve written a book criticising the global pandemic response from a left-wing perspective. The post Misinformation and Hate Speech Have Been Rife in the Past Three Years, But From Defenders of the Covid Consensus, Not Dissenters appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Laura Dodsworth has published an excellent Q&A with Toby Green and Thomas Fazi about their new book The Covid Consensus: The Global Assault on Democracy and the Poor – A Critique From the Left. The authors explain that their purpose in writing is that “although many critics of the Covid policies have come from a Right-wing perspective, we wanted also to develop a critique from a Left-wing, internationalist and anti-neoliberal perspective. In a sense what this shows is that, while the question of COVID-19 has been politicised like almost nothing in history, the questions it raises go far beyond traditional party political frameworks.”

Q: You said that in the space of eighteen months, the response to COVID-19 had upended seventy-five years of democratic norms. Can you explain what you mean and again provide historical comparisons?

A: What we saw was the institutionalisation of what Giorgio Agamben and others have called the “state of exception”. The state of exception is when the norms of daily life are upended because of the arising of a crisis which is said to be so

Leggi tutto: https://dailysceptic.org/2023/01/30/misinformation-and-hate-speech-have-been-rife-in-the-past-three-years-but-from-defenders-of-the-covid-consensus-not-dissenters/

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